

L/C=Liberal Conservative

L. 1968 PM Pierre Trudeau enters negotiations with China during its Cultural Revolution

1970 Official relations established in October ahead of other Western democracies

1973 PM Pierre Trudeau visits China

1994-2001 PM Jean Chretien visits China 6 times (note that he was a Minister in P.E. Trudeau’s cabinet. During the interim he paves the way for son-in-law’s Quebec Power Corporation to become intimately involved with the Chinese gov’t power structure. Andre Desmarais sits on the board of Peoples’ Republic of China’s China International Trust and Investment Corporation. Chretien buries RCMP report on “Operation Sidewinder” that details involvement with Chinese criminal gangs (Triads) and the CCP. The RCMP investigators are silenced. John Rae (Former Premier of Ontario Bob’s brother) runs Chretien’s campaign. Bob subsequently appoints former Power Corp. CEO Maurice Strong as CEO of Ontario Hydro. Strong’s sister was a concubine of Chairman Mao. After a financial scandal Strong moves to China where he dies.

1997 CSIS releases Sidewinder Report, identifying Communist Chinese infiltration in private and public sectors including political as a national security threat. The Chretien Regime suppresses the report.

L/C. 1998 Chretien Regime establishes the Canada-China Legislative Association, approved by both Houses. (The Executive committee is composed of two Co-Chairs and eight Vice-Chairs representing all officially recognized parties and both Houses. Since its foundation, the Association has visited most provinces in China, hosted a number of Chinese delegations visiting Canada and worked with diplomats to further develop the relationship between both countries.)

L/C 1998 The China Asset Management Co., Ltd. (China AMC), one of the largest asset managers in China, is established. The Power Corporation has a combined 27.8% interest in asset manager. Since the 1970’s every Prime Minister has had strings to the Power Corporation. For example, Brian Mulroney and Peter Mackay worked for the Power Corporation; Chretien married the daughter of Andre Desmaria former President of the Power Corporation, Maxime Bernier worked for the Power Corporation through the Montreal Economic Institute, Paul Martin worked for Paul Desmarais, who later sold the Canada Steamship Lines, a subsidiary of the Power Corporation, to Martin…

L. 2005 PM Paul Martin (whose father was a Foreign Minister and who was on the Board of Power Corp.) creates the Sino-Canada Strategic Working Group creating “a strategic partnership” between Canada and China. Creates the G20 and makes China a prominent member that obtained the presidency in 2016.

C. 2009 PM Stephen Harper visits China

2012 PM Stephen Harper visits China again

2012 Harper Regime approves China’s $15 Billion takeover of Nexen

2014 PM Stephen Harper signs FIPA (Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement) with China to run 31 years after politically pretending to be adversarial to China. The negotiations and details are shrouded in secrecy.

NCA Is Ready to Act on This, But We Need Your Support:

NCA as a registered federal political party is only a vehicle of the Canadian people. If we had a majority of the Canadian Parliament, we would put an immediate stop to the sell out to Communist Party China and many other issues. The power resides with the Canadian people.

We need the Canadian people to empower us through their activism, contributions, and votes. Without that we can only inform about what is going on.

Therefore, if you are concerned, please get involved with NCA. Every person who volunteers, becomes a member, and contributes gives us power. The more power we have the more we can do.

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