These plans are in coordination with the Government of Canada…
The plans might as well be right out of the World Economic Forum.
All technology we have been warning about is close to becoming reality.
It should be noted that dense urban environments like the 15 minute cities are ideal deployments for these technologies including the 5G millimeter wave between 24 – 100 GHz.
In this example, we look at the City of Calgary.
The Smart Technocratic agenda is described as “transformative” and disingenuously called human-centered when in fact it is transhumanist. The centralized politicians and bureaucrats seek to take their “smart city agenda to the next level.”
The technology that will be deployed:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of machines, drones, robots, programs…
Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) in the form of metaverse where human sensory is indistinguishable virtual sensory.
Autonomous and connected vehicles: self-driving vehicles that are connected to the 5G grid…
Big Data Analytics: processing of mass data accumulation of the city occupants.
Geospatial: Geospatial Intelligence which acts as a form of surveillance using detailed imagery.
Health and Medical Technology including nanotechnology and neuronanotechnology.
Internet of Things: AI connected machines, vehicles, appliances, gadgets…
Networks: 5G millimeter wave and eventually 6G…
Open data platform to create the illusion of transparency… where only select data will be open to public viewing.
Sensors in public spaces as sources of data on occupants.
Blockchain: digitalization including digital currency.
Infrared Biometrics: facial and finger print recognition technology including facial recognition cameras.
5G in the form of millimeter wave 24 – 100 GHz to run the AI machines, autonomous vehicles… data accumulation and processing…
Sensor Networks: coordination of all the sensors and their data through connection and upload… likely a 5G Network.
Living Labs is similar to a 15 minute city concept in which all the technocratic technology will be combined such as 5G, extended public WiFi, sensors, infrared biometrics…
Machine learning: cognitive computer technologies such as artificial intelligence as a means to reason, problem solve, make decisions, and take actions. Examples are AI police, AI garbage collection, AI operators…
Hopefully this information is helpful to let you know what is here and what is coming…
This technocratic agenda has been in the works for decades…