Danger of Algorithms: Indiscriminate, Detached Invasion of Privacy

In the photo, through facial recognition algorithms, a woman is identified as a sex worker because she had four different men visit her home the previous week. In reality, the woman was visited by some of her friends.

We can see the indiscriminate, detached use of algorithms by social media companies as they target people and organizations based merely on words used, and then these people and organizations are banned indiscriminately.

With the top-down imposition of the 5G AI World, algorithms through facial recognition and other biometric tracking will become the norm. Even with smart meters, people are being judged indiscriminately for their energy usage and type of usage, not to mention complete invasion of privacy.

This detached, invasive technocratic society stands to be a grave to threat to liberty. Already in China, we see the emergence of a social credit system and mass totalitarian surveillance. People will be herded, monitored, and controlled like never before, and machines, robots, drones via AI will replace their livelihoods.

Mass Facial Recognition: China

Through 5G technology, China has created a mass surveillance state like never seen before. There is one facial recognition camera for every four Chinese citizens: around 350 million. That number will increase to one facial recognition camera for every two Chinese citizens: 700 million. The Chinese government is also experimenting with human microchip artificial intelligence technology linked to new 5G systems. Biometrics. To justify the mass state surveillance and invasion of privacy, which you have no way to opt out of, the Chinese government says that you should have nothing to be afraid of, if you obey the country's laws. We have heard that before. Remember C-51? During the coronavirus lockdown, 5G infrastruture is being deployed across Canada. 5G is the gateway to a mass surveillance state like in China. NCA has already identified Huawei facial recognition cameras already deployed in Canadian public spaces. https://www.facebook.com/NationalCitizensAlliance/videos/852164225269391/National Citizens Alliance is very concerned that 5G is being pushed onto the Canadian people despite potentially serious health, security, and privacy concerns. Consequently, NCA supports an immediate moratorium on 5G deployment to address objectively through independent science the concerns, and allow the Canadian people to have the final say on whether or not this controversial technology should be part of Canadian society.https://www.nationalcitizensalliance.ca/

Posted by National Citizens Alliance on Tuesday, April 28, 2020
5G and Total Surveillance: Draconian Technocracy

5G and Total Surveillance and Total Control over Your Personal Info with No Opt Out Option, and then a government social credit system to further control behaviour: Draconian Technocracy This video excerpt is of Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding who talks about the threat of 5G from the standpoint of privacy and government evasion into the people's lives. China now has around one billion facial recognition cameras and a social credit system. If you do not adhere to the dictates of the Chinese government through its social credit system, you will lose whatever freedoms you have. 5G is being deployed in Canada and throughout the West without public discussion on the potentially serious health, security, and privacy concerns. National Citizens Alliance is not opposed to new technology including 5G. However, we believe that the potentially serious health, security, and privacy concerns need to be addressed by independent science before going ahead with 5G installation. Therefore, NCA supports an immediate moratorium on 5G installation. Further, we believe that the Canadian people should have the final, binding say on 5G deployment.https://www.nationalcitizensalliance.ca/

Posted by National Citizens Alliance on Thursday, April 23, 2020
Huawei Facial Recognition Cameras: Canada

Huawei Facial Recognition Cameras: Canada The video is of a shuffle site in downtown Calgary at Brookfield Place that includes Huawei facial recognition camera and 5G small cell antennas. During the coronavirus lockdown, 5G infrastructure is being deployed across Canada. NCA took EMF readings at the shuffle site, and they more than quadrupled the safe level of below 0.50 V/m. We recorded readings of 2.55 V/m. Brookfield is a multi-billion dollar global corporation. One of it subsidiary is called Brookfield Infrastructure Partners: owns and operates a global network of infrastructure companies in utilities, transportation, energy and communications infrastructure. It invests in transmission and telecommunication lines, toll roads, ports and pipelines.The federal government, including Industry Canada and Health Canada, ignore the non-thermal health effects of EMF radiation. These health effects are well documented by over 2,000 scientific studies.https://blog.nationalcitizensalliance.ca/information-on-5g-you-will-never-hear-in-the-mainstream/National Citizens Alliance supports an immediate moratorium on 5G deployment in Canada due to the potentially serious economic, health, security, and privacy issues. We believe that the Canadian people should have the final say on this deployment.https://www.nationalcitizensalliance.ca/

Posted by National Citizens Alliance on Saturday, May 9, 2020

With the extreme, radical lockdown and the likelihood of mandatory vaccinations, coupled with more biometric tracking and monitoring, and 5G mass totalitarian surveillance and all the sickness and death from mass exposure to extreme levels of EMF radiation, humanity is heading into a technocratic dark age.

National Citizens Alliance, a registered federal political party, stands in full opposition to this sinister top-down agenda. Our focus is simple: Resistance via on the ground activism and a platform of Canadians First and Anti-globalist NWO. We know that the only solution is political. As long as the establishment multi-controlled opposition have the power, the common people will be powerless. Therefore, we must take the power. Everything else are wasted efforts.

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