Canadian Identity is what defines us as a nation
Travel to most places around the globe and you’ll find the impression most people have of Canada is a vast wilderness teeming with spectacular forests, mountains, lakes, and prairies. The Canadian identity, at least from a commercial perspective, includes such animals as the beaver, moose, and loon as well as maple syrup, winter sports and of course, the Mounties.
But the true identity of Canada is much deeper than these symbols. Canada is a nation founded on the principles of the rule of law, freedom of the individual, and the preservation of ancient English common law rights. Furthermore, we are governed by the British parliamentary system.
Sadly, since the 1960s, successive governments in Ottawa have incrementally been embracing the ideology that the values which made Canada one of the greatest nations in history need to be sacrificed for the greater good of the globalist agenda to abolish nation-states and create a world without borders.
Canada is a vibrantly multicultural nation. Walk through the various neighbourhoods of our cities from Halifax to Vancouver such as Little Italy, Chinatown, and Greektown, and you’ll meet people whose ancestors came to this country for a better life and helped to define who we are as a people. The 35 million people who live in Canada represent every culture and ethnic group from across the world. And while Canadians celebrate their ancestry and heritage, in order for our country to remain free and prosperous, it is crucial that we all share one national identity, which means there must be a reasonable expectation of those who’ve immigrated here and decided to live amongst us to assimilate into Canadian society.
What exactly is Canadian identity? How can it be defined? Putting snow, hockey and Gordon Lightfoot aside, true Canadian identity should be focused on building an enlightened society where every individual is free to choose his or her own path in life, while at the same time traditional values and rights as enshrined in the Charter are protected. A deep love of our beautiful landscape, appreciation for the history of this nation including the First Nations peoples, being respectful and tolerant of the views of others are all aspects of Canadian identity.
Despite the fact that Canada is founded upon predominantly Christian morals and principles, we value the concept of separation of church and state. We have the freedom to worship as we please or follow no religion at all. This means that extreme ideologies such as Shariah Law have no place.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been on record as saying that Canada is ‘the first post-national state with no core identity.’ What exactly are the values of a post-national state with no ‘core identity’? A global village with no borders or uniqueness among its people comes to mind. How exactly are the concepts of tolerance, the rule of law, and freedom of expression compatible with the collectivist and authoritarian precepts of repressive regions such as Iran, China, and North Korea?
This is why forging and preserving a genuine Canadian identity is crucial to the well-being of this country, not only for us but for future generations.
Chris McGarry is a freelance writer and author who lives in Prince Edward Island. He can be reached via Facebook
or at
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Due to the agenda to abolish Canada as a nation-state and its borders, the population of Canada is now over 37 million and growing most significantly from organized, planned mass immigration.