National Citizens Alliance has spent a considerable amount of time sifting through government data and verifying figures with independent immigration consultants in order to compile more realistic figures of total numbers from all immigration pathways into Canada.  The end figures are much higher than anyone would have suspected.

It should be obvious by now that we cannot rely on the mainstream media to do anything but parrot the same old tropes about how immigration is “good for the economy” or is necessary due to an ageing population and low native birth rate.

Fact: Fewer than 16% of Canadians are age 65 and older, the lowest number of all G7 nations.

“Does immigration help the economy and the labor force, or reduce the problems stemming from an aging population?

The short answer to each of these questions is “No.” Curiously, about the only people who do not believe that immigration benefits the economy and the labor force and reduces problems stemming from an aging population are those whose business it is to research and study these questions. It is the economists, the demographers, the statisticians, and the academics who  find the answers.

Most economists consider the question of whether immigration helps the Canadian economy is essentially settled. That is to say, they do not believe immigration contributes significantly to our economic prosperity or our per-capita income. Studies done in Canada looking at the economic costs and benefits of immigration reach the common conclusions that there is little gain to the economy from immigration and that costs appear to outweigh any benefits.”


What are the Real Numbers?

New migrants through regular channels cost Canadians $40 billion a year in lost tax revenues. This number is calculated from a report by economist Herbert G. Grubel out of Simon Fraser University. When factoring in total migration into Canada, this number may be higher due to job displacement of Canadian workers

The 2019 budget for the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship is $3.3 billion, while the budget of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is $57 million

Canada’s native population is growing naturally by approximately 294 new Canadians per day. That results in 107,310 natural population growth per year. If new migrants are having double the birth rate of traditional Canadians, and 23% visible ethnic minority compared to 77% traditional Canadians, then of the new Canadians 49,362 are visible ethnic minority and 57,947 traditional Canadians. Under the mainstream immigration plan, Canada is projected by 2100 to be 80% visible ethnic minority and 20% traditional Canadian.

It should be noted that the Privy Council, comprised of mainstream career politicians, including Maxime Bernier, primarily from the Conservative Party and Liberal Party, shadow the federal government and direct the government on migration totals.

There is presently an apparent 11 year to 20 year backlog in applicant processing times.

The federal reporting of total population of Canada statistic may be a deliberately inaccurate number to cover up the mass migration.

The UN Migration Pact stems from UN Agenda 2030, which Harper adopted in 2015 and is being implemented by all levels of government. The immigration numbers demonstrate that there is already mass migration into Canada.

2019 Immigration Targets from the Government

Regular, legal migration:

Economic 191,600

Chain Migration 88,500

Humanitarian 51,900

Total: 330,800

What is not included in the totals

2019 Estimates Based Upon Previous Years

Study Permit Holders 454,000 (2019)

Temporary Foreign Workers: 78,788 (2017)

International Mobility Program 224,033 (2017)

Illegal Migrants Who Are Undetected (No Asylum Claim) No Data

Total: 756,821

Number of People Who Left Canada 69,550 (2018)

Total 2019 Immigration Projected Intake: 1,087,621

Total 2019 Immigration Projected Intake less outflow: 1,018,071

Under Harper Regime in Comparison

2015 Immigration Targets from the Government

Regular, legal migration:

Economic 172,100

Chain Migration 63,000

Humanitarian 24,900

Total: 260,000

What is not included in the totals

2019 Estimates Based Upon Previous Years

Study Permit Holders 219,143

Temporary Foreign Workers: 73,016

International Mobility Program 175,967

Illegal Migrants Who Are Undetected (No Asylum Claim) No Data

Total: 468,126

Total 2015 Immigration Intake: 728,126

As of 2018, asylum seekers wait on average 21 months for a hearing.

Canada’s backlog of asylum claims will likely reach 100,000 by the end of 2021 before stabilizing, up from 75,000 today, the chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board has stated.

192,000 temporary foreign workers entered Canada in 2011.

Almost 90% of temporary foreign workers who were still in Canada after 10 years had obtained permanent resident status, having made the transition from temporary foreign worker to landed immigrant.

Of the 286,479 permanent residents admitted in 2017, a total of 76% self-identified as having knowledge of English, French or both official languages, which is an increase of three percentage points compared to 2016.

This new data completely overrides what is being presented by the mainstream parties in their immigration platforms. 

NCA Immigration Totals Compared to Mainstream Parties

Parties Total Migration Intake
NCA Moratorium with no end date followed by 50,000 or less
CPC 950,949
Liberals 950,949
NDP 950,949
Greens 950,949
PPC 770,000

Under the NCA immigration plan, we will implement a moratorium with no fixed end date followed by a substantial reduction in migration intake to 50,000 or less. We assume that the outflow of people from Canada will be insignificant due to our plan which will afford Canadians greater overall prosperity and security.

NCA will scrap the Internal Mobility Program and dismantle the Temporary Foreign Workers program and replace it with a program focused on Canadian workers. We will also and deal with the abuse of temporary foreign workers.

A key focus of NCA is retraining Canadian workers who are jobless.

This video reveals additional information on how further migration to Canada is being advertised and permitted largely without the knowledge of Canadians.

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