Monopole cellular tower in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada... NCA detected meter readings in excess of 137 V/m Plus Peak Signal... from 8 Antenna Tower just 25 feet from the ground... see video at bottom of article

Below is a compelling, comprehensive rebuttal to the COVID-19 fearmongering and drastic measures including lockdown, mandatory masks, and potentially mandatory vaccines (at least implicitly).

NCA would only comment that the root of the COVID-19 response is political decision-making. The health officials are advising these establishment politicians, whether in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Ottawa. These establishment politicians are ultimately the one’s responsible.

In terms of the big picture, NCA believes that the COVID-19 response is tied directly to the “Great Reset”:

Finally, NCA is troubled by the growing political censorship via a political credit system through the social media technocrats and establishment cabal. This censorship is a direct, existential attack on the people.

COVID-19 and the cabal response are nothing more than means.

The struggle goes on as it must and as the threats to our way of life increase.

Stephen Garvey


November 25, 2020

Complaints Department College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
300–669 Howe Street
Vancouver BC
V6C 0B4
FAX: 604-733-3503

OPEN LETTER to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia,

I am writing this letter with severe and urgent concerns about Dr. Bonnie Henry, who is continuing to mandate unconstitutional, strict, and imposing measures such as forced masking and continued lockdowns based on arbitrary unscientific methods.

Please consider this an urgent request to immediately investigate Dr. Bonnie Henry and remove her from her position as Provincial Health Officer.

All of her public health orders are inconsistent and contradictory, as I will explain. Sweeping restrictions on businesses and individual citizens designed to “curb the spread of COVID-19” have led to dramatic and severe consequences for many British Columbians, which continue to be blatantly ignored by Public Health Officials.

Due to the utter lack of public transparency and accountability thus far in the Provincial and Federal response to COVID, this letter and the results of your investigation will be published. In March 2020, when lockdowns were first initiated, the modelling suggested that the threat was far more significant than it was. Now, death rates are even lower. The data shows that for the vast majority of the population, other than the very elderly and the already very sick, this virus is not a significant threat to life or health.

Given all the data we now have about this virus, ongoing lockdowns are no longer demonstrably justifiable and are therefore unconstitutional (Cantin-Nantel, 2020).

The Emergency Act itself states, “AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency” (Branch, 2020).

In British Columbia, the health orders are being imposed unilaterally, without legislative oversight, by unelected officials who have virtually no limits on their authority. These health orders are unconstitutional and violate the requirement that laws be democratically implemented. The drastic and oppressive measures Dr. Bonnie Henry is once again implementing across British Columbia, including mandatory mask mandates, partial lockdowns, restrictions to travel, and further constraints on our rights and freedoms, are not scientifically supported. Dr. Bonnie Henry has failed to produce valid scientific evidence to the public to support such far-reaching measures, and British Columbians demand these actions be justified.

The real consequences of these restrictive orders continue to be ignored by Dr. Bonnie Henry. She also continues to disregard the voices of the many brave doctors, virologists, and scientists worldwide who are becoming increasingly vocal about why these public health orders are not supported scientifically and need to end immediately. For example,

The Great Barrington Declaration available online is a global declaration signed by over 655,599 global citizens, 12,315 medical and public health scientists, 36,163 medical practitioners (as of 10 pm on November 24, 2020). The Great Barrington Declaration concludes, “those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity” (Great Barrington Declaration, 2020)

Even World Health Organization (WHO) Envoy, Dr. David Nabarro stated on October 10, 2020, “we need to reach a sustainable situation where we have adequate control of this virus without shutting down our lives entirely, or lurching from lockdown to lockdown — which has a hugely detrimental impact on societies” (Salo, 2020).

In Canada, Doctors have also been speaking out and have not received any of Dr. Bonnie Henry’s attention in the media. On November 13, 2020, Dr. Roger Hodkinson offered his informed perspective to Edmonton’s City Council on how governments responded to COVID-19. Dr. Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years. He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK and then became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada (FRCPC) following a Vancouver, BC residency (Mek, 2020). In his address to Edmonton’s city council, he called for the end of restrictions, mask use, testing, and social distancing, stating, “and I would remind you all that using the provinces [Alberta’s] own statistics, the risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000. You’ve got to get a grip on this. The scale of the response with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous” (Allon, 2020).

Another Physician in Victoria, British Columbia, has also spoken out about these unlawful mandates. In an open letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry on October 15, 2020, Dr. Steven Malthouse stated “as a fellow doctor, I appeal to you to re-examine your policies and change direction before Public Health causes irreparable damage to our province’s health and economic well-being. That about-face will require you to meet the obligations of your office.” (Easton, 2020).

Dr. Steven Malthouse is a physician who has been in family medical practice in BC for more than 40 years and has been a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC since 1978. In his letter, he concisely outlines severe problems with the current pandemic response. He writes, “…specifically there appears to be no scientific or medical evidence for self-isolation of asymptomatic people, social distancing, facemasks, arbitrary closure of businesses, closure of schools, daycares, park amenities, and playgrounds, the discontinuance of access to education, medical, dental, chiropractic, naturopathic, hearing, dietary, therapeutic, and other support for the physically and mentally disabled, or the closing down of or restrictions on religious places of worship.” (Malthouse, 2020).

Dr. Bonnie Henry continues to ignore new scientific literature. For example, she has not publicly mentioned or considered the Danish Mask Study, published this month in the Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2020 (Bundgaard, et al., 2020). This study is a 4,800-person randomized trial that took place in the spring and early summer in Denmark. The Danish study failed to show that mask-wearing reduces risk by 50%. There is insufficient evidence to suggest wearing a mask as you go about daily errands will protect you from infection (American College of Physicans, 2020)

There is also an apparent disregard concerning the limitations of the PCR testing used across Canada to diagnose SARS-CoV-2. A Portuguese Court recently ruled that PCR Tests are “unreliable” and stated that using PCR testing to justify lockdowns is “unlawful” (Knightly, 2020). The court noted that the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present (, 2020). The court concluded that “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” (Admin & Admin, 2020). The ruling concludes that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is unreliable. The judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection (Off Guardian, 2020). This information applies to Canada as we are also using the unreliable PCR test to diagnose cases. Dr. Bonnie Henry has not been transparent concerning the threshold of cycles used.

Still, independent reporting by Diverge Media revealed that at least one lab in Ontario is using a threshold of 40 cycles (Diverge Media, 2020). The threshold of cycles used is pertinent information; Dr. Bonnie Henry has failed to explain the limitations of PCR testing to British Columbians and continues to use this unreliable testing method as justification for unconstitutional mandates, lockdowns, and restrictions.

Ontario’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Barbara Yaffe, stated in July 2020 that mandatory testing for teachers in Ontario would not be mandatory. She explained that “if you test somebody today, you only know if they are positive today. And in fact, if you are testing in a population that has very little COVID, you’ll get false positives almost half the time” (Global News, 2020).

While Dr. Bonnie Henry likes to issue the message “be kind, be calm and be safe” during her daily televised public health updates to British Columbians, the consequences of her public health mandates have the exact opposite effect. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Dr. Bonnie Henry has terrorized an unsuspecting and uninformed public daily with stats of rising COVID cases based on an unreliable PCR test. The coverage of this in the mainstream media has left many Canadians unrealistically scared of COVID and subsequently of each other. The impact of the COVID response on children has also been devastating and far-reaching (Human Rights Watch, 2020).

Since mask-wearing became mandated on November 19, 2020, in British Columbia, media outlets and political figures (e.g., Nathan Cullen, MLA & John Horgan, BC Premier) have taken it upon themselves to begin publishing articles and posts that shame, humiliate and demean individuals who are not wearing a mask in public. This public shaming initiative is placing people in direct conflict and creating an environment of hostility and anger. This degree of public shaming will inevitably lead to aggravated conflict, verbal and physical assaults, mental health concerns, the degradation of families, and even suicides, which we have already begun to witness.

On November 19, 2020, Dr. Bonnie Henry publicly stated, “there is no way that we will force people to have medical notes or other things. We need to trust that people who cannot wear masks—and there are some people who cannot wear masks—we need to be able to accommodate them” (Shepert, 2020). This statement was vague and did not address exactly how businesses would still operate while not discriminating against people who have disabilities preventing them from wearing a mask. Businesses have been put in a very troubling situation and are threatened with $50,000 fines for not policing COVID compliance (CBC News, 2020).

The increasing threat of a penalty for noncompliance is a direct contradiction of what Dr. Bonnie Henry told the public on November 19, 2020, with regard to respecting mask exemptions, and it is also a violation of s.8 of the BC Human Rights Code. It will result in Human Rights complaints, and fines levied against business owners. There is no way for businesses to effectively enforce masking without violating Canadian citizens’ fundamental human rights.

Many employers will also require a medical note to prove mask exemptions that are not being supported by Public Health messaging. The strength of the “court of public opinion” cannot be denied, and Dr. Bonnie Henry is putting all British Columbians who are unable to wear a mask in real danger through her contradictory public health messaging. There are also a growing number of reports of people who have been arrested for not complying with mask-wearing (Meissner, 2020).

On November 24, 2020, British Columbia formally extended its provincial state of emergency and announced: “anyone without a mask in an indoor public place who refuses to comply with the direction of an enforcement officer, including the direction to leave the space, or who responds with abusive or belligerent behavior, may be subject to a $230 fine” (Weichel, 2020). This mandate directly infringes upon the constitutional rights of those who cannot wear a mask for various medical reasons, as well as those individuals who choose not to based on the grounds of conscience (BC Govt News, 2020).

Dr. Bonnie Henry contributes to and encourages the development of a “police state” around masking and has yet to provide supporting scientific evidence behind implementing such a severe public health order. Back on April 6, 2020, Dr. Bonnie Henry stated that “the science is not certain, but we need to do everything we can, and it seems like a sensible thing to do” concerning masking (Ghoussoub, 2020).

Since this time, further government contradictions on the efficacy of mask-wearing have been announced. Canada’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Teresa Tam admitted on November 3, 2020, the scientific literature on mask efficacy is limited, stating, “… nobody’s really done a study on non-medical masks in the past so there’s been actually more research into different materials” (Neustaeter, 2020). Dr. Teresa Tam concluded that Canadians should be wearing three-layer masks despite limited studies on the effectiveness of three-layered masks or non-medical masks in general (Neustaeter, 2020).

Consequently, many Canadians strongly suspect mask mandates are being increasingly enforced to encourage a compliant public, not a safer public. There is mounting fear that the federal and provincial governments plan on implementing a mandated or coerced COVID vaccination program as soon as emergency use approval is granted.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on October 23, 2020, that “we are coming at this from every angle” concerning his vast vaccine pre-purchases (Tasker, 2020). The federal government has secured 358 million doses of several vaccine types so far, approximately 9.5 doses per Canadian citizen (Tasker, 2020).

The mainstream media has already begun running articles suggesting that major corporations such as Ticket Master will have the ability to require customers to show “proof of immunity” (Brooks, 2020).

Many doctors are speaking out against the dangers of a rushed COVID vaccine. It can typically take 10 to 15 years to bring a vaccine to market; the fastest developed vaccine was for mumps and required four years in the 1960s (McKeever, 2020).

Vaccines go through a three-stage trial process before they are sent to regulatory agencies for approval, which can be a lengthy process itself. To add to public concern and confusion, several vaccine companies are developing brand new types of vaccines that have different delivery methods in the body (e.g., viral vector vaccine, mRNA vaccine, inactivated vaccine, adenovector vaccine, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) & peptide vaccine)(McKeever, 2020).

The Canadian public has no idea what the actual risks are from any of these new technology vaccines and do not have the information required to make an informed decision. Again Dr. Bonnie Henry has not addressed the real potential side effects of a rushed vaccine program that has skipped animal trials and gone straight to human experimentation. Dr. Bonnie Henry’s actions in this regard are irresponsible and criminal as she is promoting vaccine propaganda and not citing potential health risks. The threat of forced vaccination is not one Canadians are willing to accept. The Canadian government needs to respond to concerns of a forced COVID vaccination program immediately, especially as Canadians are witnessing these measures being attempted in other countries (Barron, 2020).

Additionally, Canadians urgently call out Dr. Bonnie Henry for refusing to address the “elephant in the room” and acknowledge the real and growing fear surrounding the dangers of increasing electromagnetic frequency. Since the beginning of the first lockdown in March 2020, 5G towers, antennas, and small cells have been installed all over Canada.

The National Citizens Alliance, a registered federal political party in Canada, is often using acoustimeters and trimeters to measure how much frequency this new technology is emitting (National Citizens Alliance, 2020). Their findings have been concerning. The short-term health effects of electromagnetic frequency exposure include headaches, body aches, dizziness, blackouts, insomnia, nausea, and long-term health effects, including heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers, including breast, brain, and leukemia (5G Space Appeal, 2020).

Dr. Bonnie Henry and the mainstream media have remained suspiciously aloof about the new 5G technology’s potential health impacts. We demand a moratorium on 5G technology until independent researchers can adequately study the health and safety impacts. Potential risks from electromagnetic frequency are genuine public health concerns. Dr. Bonnie Henry is willing to lock down British Columbians as a measure to prevent medical systems from being overwhelmed due to COVID-19 (99.96% survival rate).

Why is she unwilling to consider the harmful impacts of hazardous levels of electromagnetic frequency around our homes, employment and worship places, retirement homes, schools, and daycares? Canadians demand answers now before telecommunication giants are permitted to unroll untested and likely harmful new technology on an uninformed and non-consenting public.

According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of tyranny is “an act or the pattern of harsh, cruel, and unfair control over other people or a government in which all power is in the hands of a single ruler.” This definition accurately describes the Canadian government’s emergency COVID response as a whole and the individual actions of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Dr. Bonnie Henry.

This letter is an urgent request to immediately investigate Dr. Bonnie Henry and remove her from her position as Provincial Health Officer based on the evidence provided. The Canadian public insists that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia take swift and immediate action to end unconstitutional public health mandates without further delay. International and domestic legal court proceedings are already well underway.

German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of four members who make up the German Corona Investigative Committee pursuing tort lawsuits concerning unconstitutional COVID responses. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has stated these measures “…make people panic so that they believe without asking questions that their lives are in danger so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprint” (Kidd, 2020). He compares the unconstitutional mandates many countries have enacted (including Canada) to the policies seen during The Third Reich in Nazi Germany, referencing Crimes against Humanity, Article 7 in the International Criminal Code.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has also referenced the Nuremberg Code, issued by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1947, held to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. The Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949 (Fuellmich, 2020). The Nuremberg Code is a 10-point statement meant to prevent future abuse of human subjects. It confirms that, above all, participation in research must be voluntary and never carried out on uninformed subjects. The Nuremberg Code and the related Declaration of Helsinki are the basis for Health Canada and US regulations (University of Alberta, 2020).

This letter should be received as a poignant reminder to all College of Physicians and Surgeons members. Primarily, Dr. Bonnie Henry, you have taken a Hippocratic oath and are a public servant. This oath is one of the oldest and most sacred binding documents in history to ensure physicians treat the ill to the best of their ability, preserve a patient’s privacy, and teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation. In the words of Hippocrates himself, “Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least do no harm.”

A Concerned Canadian Citizen *I strongly encourage all who agree with the contents of this letter to print, sign and mail to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Please reuse and change as you see fit.”All complaints are treated in the same manner and assessed through the same review process” (


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